Unfair Competition Law
Unfair Competition Law; Article 57 of the Code of Obligations, Article 62 of THKH, etc. It is a legal discipline that aims to ensure an honest and unspoiled competitive environment for the benefit of all participants.
The aim of protecting the interests of all participants; It is not only to protect the competition between companies that are commercial rivals, but also to protect the interests of customers, all other market participants, society and the country’s economy. “Economic competition” as an institution is protected by honest and undistorted competition and unfair competition provisions.
As Şafak & Koparan Law Firm; We provide litigation and consultancy services to protect the legal interests of all market participants who are harmed by acts that disrupt the competitive environment, contrary to the rule of good faith, by our lawyers who are experts in their field. The main legal remedies used against actions that may constitute unfair competition are as follows:
- Determination Case
- Precautionary Seizure and Injunction Case through Lawsuit
- Reinstatement Case
- Material and Moral Compensation
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